Holiday in a Holiday - Aruba
After being invited to Moya and Stuart's wedding we decided to add on a few days and enjoy Karys' birthday on the Caribbean island of Aruba. The island is fairly small but displays all the feats you expect of an island in Paradise. Pristine beaches with crystal clear water and palm trees, relaxed natives and sun, sun, sun. We enjoyed the wedding ceremony on the beach at sunset and the evening party afterwards with Moya and Stuart's friends and family. The next days we used to visit different parts of the island, sail a catamaran, check out the local butterfly farm and hang on the beach. It was a great trip, without our heavy backpacks, seeing familiar faces and just enjoying the sun. Moya und Stuart hatten uns zu ihrer Hochzeit auf Aruba eingeladen und wir entschieden uns ein paar Tage laenger zu bleiben und Karys Geburtstag auf der Insel zu verbringen. Die Insel ist ziemlich klein aber bietet alles was man von einem karibischen Inselparadies erwartet. Wunderschoene ...