Roundtrip Ecuador and Galapagos
So my mum and her boyfriend came over to visit and invited me for a 2 week roundtrip through Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. We met in Quito from where we left for the town of Otavalo at the foot of the volcano Imbabura. From here we went on to Papallacta, a town with thermal springs in the middle of the Cayamba Coca ecological reserve. Our route lead us to the famous volcano Cotopaxi and the city of Riobamba. We left the western mountain range through cacao and banana plantations down to the beautiful city of Cuenca. The last stop on the mainland was Guayaquil from where we went over to the Galapagos. Meine Mutter und ihr Freund kamen mich also besuchen und luden mich auf eine 2 woechige Rundreise durch Ecuador und die Galapagos Inseln ein. Wir trafen uns in Quito von wo aus wir wieter nach Otavalo, gelegen am Fusse des Vulkans Imbabura, fuhren. Weiter ging es nach Papallacta im Nationalpark Cayamba Coca. Von hioer aus stoppten wir am beruehmten Vulkan Cotopaxi und fuhren weiter...